Friday, May 11, 2012

      Materials&Props class is one of my favorites. It's the only class I've had that I can really see myself making a career out of. I also love my instructor, which just makes the entire experience more enjoyable. Today, we toured Omega Prop house and MEL, a popular makeup and effects studio. I was beyond excited for this feild trip, especially with my new-found intrique with the film industry. I found the prop house less exciting than I anticipated. I mean, it was cool, but the though of needing to use it one day made me stressed. Four giant warehouses, filled with thousands of props, organized by style, era, color, quantity,etc. It was the equivalent of walking into Forever 21, except that Omega actually has an organization system.. but equally as overwhelming.
      The most exciting part was going to the MEL workshop. I did not want to leave, I wanted to sit down on one of the empty stools next to the employees working on the Power Rangers masks, grab my sand paper and get to work. It was also helpful that I was informed that the co-owner of the studio had just been flown out to North Carolina where he will be head of the makeup crew for Iron Man 3. I would like to be a part of the makeup crew for Iron Man 3. I came across a mold of Robert Downey Jr's head, which lead into a storey about Chris Evans (Captain America), coming to get a mold of his head done. I don't know if anyone will ever understand how badly I wish I could mold these peoples heads. If I merely molded heads for the rest of my life I would be happy. Not only does MEL create masks and do makeup effects, they also do robotronics, mechanics, molds, and probably a million other things that I would love. Probably I should just go there and beg for work until they give me something to do. Probably I should just go in there and start working like I already work there...
       It just works out, that I find myself drawn to this kind of work. In one of those funny ways that life always tends to work itself out. I was going to go to school and learn special effects makeup, I'm definitely interested in makeup. I'm definitely interested in making things. Mostly, I'm completely interested in learning about this stuff. I'm dying to know how to do it all, and I'm willing to stand around and learn from these guys, and be the apprentice so that I can figure it out. And I'm still fabulous. So there. Also, wore rediculous clothing today. Also, pictures below.

Robert Downey Jr's face

Time Machine

Telephone Props

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